Terms and Conditions
DataKube Service Terms and Conditions.
Among those subscribed, namely: DataKubes LLC. Legal entity duly registered according to the laws of the United States of America, with 35-2814139 and on the other hand the CLIENT of generals described In the applications and service registration via platform or in writing, they agree to enter into this contract subject to the following terms and conditions.
First: Between The Parties
DataKubes LLC. , and the CLIENT agree that the purpose of this contract is to provide the following service called DATAKUBES according to the clauses detailed below.
Second: Terms of Use
These terms of use do not limit, alter or modify, nor do they imply a waiver of industrial property rights and copyright, and any other right that DataKubes LLC ., Has over the software and service called _DATAKUBES _.
THE CUSTOMER may have to use any version of DATAKUBES code authorized by DataKubes LLC ., With the limitations and conditions established in this term and conditions.
2.1. Terms and Conditions
Set forth below ("Conditions") govern the use of this site and platform on the World Wide Web ("Site") of DATAKUBES a service of DataKubes LLC , and the services available on this site ("Services") and are legally binding on you.
"If you do not agree with any of these conditions, you will not be able to access or use this site and/or the services or any information contained in the site. The use of this site and/or its services will be considered as your agreement to each of the following terms established below".
The CUSTOMER agrees that DataKubes LLC . or whomever it designates, can make changes to these terms at any time without prior notice or consultation. We will notify you of such revisions by posting an updated version of the terms on the site. The CUSTOMER is responsible for periodically reviewing these terms. Your continued use of the site and/or services will constitute your acceptance of such changes to the terms. Also, DataKubes LLC . or whomever it designates can make changes to the service at any time, or adjustments and other improvements to the product. Changes or updates may mean an increase in rates.
2.2. Activation of the Service
With the exception of the obligations that will arise from the aceptance of this contract specified in the following Clauses. The contract will enter into effect when you meet with the following conditions: (1) The approval by DataKubes LLC . or whomever it designates from the request submitted by the CLIENT , and (2) The activation of the product/service DATAKUBES by the CLIENT .
2.3. Payments and service suspensions
The CLIENT hereby declares that he expressly accepts the monthly fee charged at the beginning of the commercial relationship. You will pay this monthly fee within the first five (5) days of each month, which is described in the accepted terms and conditions, and the application of the product DATAKUBES . The contract also describes the plan to which you subscribed.
2.3.1. Payment methods
The CUSTOMER also agrees to make the mentioned payments by credit card, VISA, or MASTERCARD, after approval of the request for the automatic discount of their credit card through the DATAKUBES platform. Furthermore, You can also make payment by direct bank transfer to the account of DataKubes LLC .
The CUSTOMER will pay a fee for each GB (Gigabyte) that he decides to use or contract. Once the payment per GB (Gigabyte) is made, it will be understood the acceptance of the agreement in all the terms set forth herein. The rate to be paid will be published on DATAKUBES - site, and a fiscal receipt will be issued for the payment. If the CUSTOMER later decides to obtain more GB (Gigabytes), the rate will increase, without prior notice, for each GB (Gigabyte) that he adds, without the need to sign or accept another agreement, understanding that each GB enters and is governed by this contract.
2.3.2. Refunds and partial payments
DataKubes LLC will not make any refund on the payment made on the users' amounts, nor services contracted for the use of DATAKUBES , nor will it make any refund if the client has previously signed and accepted the quote sent by DATAKUBES which is governed by these terms and conditions. The CLIENT understands that they must use the services within the stipulated time.
DataKubes LLC . or whomever it designates is not obliged to receive partial payments. Receipt of partial payments does not indicate interest in modifying the prices or terms of this agreement. These conditions constitute executive title and provide executive merit. The proofs of law required as proof of payments may be sent by email, and the shipment will constitute proof of required billing and another required by law and evidence.
The rate to be paid may be increased according to the inflation index or CPI, annually. All notifications will be posted on the "site" or Software and/or any means of notification used will be valid.
2.3.3. Suspensions and Cancellations of the Service
The CUSTOMER also understands that upon incurring a payment delay for thirty (30) days, either due to a deactivated card or lack of funds, access to the system will be suspended, and if the delinquency amounts to three (3) ) months, the information contained in your DATAKUBES account will be deleted. If the CLIENT wishes to recover his account with the information, he must cancel the equivalent of the delinquent months and reactivation of his account.
And, the CLIENT irrevocably waives any claim, demand, administrative and/or judicial actions against DataKubes LLC. or whomever it designates, for the loss of information and the damages that this loss may cause, when said information has been erased or eliminated due to the late payment of the CLIENT as explained in the previous paragraph.
Note : Late payment or delay occurs when the client makes partial payments or lacks one (1) single payment at the term stipulated in this contract or on the DATAKUBES website.
THIRD: General use restrictions
Except for the Software DataKubes LLC ., Or the Software offered by the developers on the site, if applicable ("DATAKUBES"), the download of which is governed by the license agreement associated with said Software from third parties, and except for third party content, which third parties provide, all information, documents and services provided on this site, including trademarks, logos, graphics and images (collectively, the "Services") are provided to you by DataKubes LLC., or whoever it designates, except for what is expressly contemplated here.
The CLIENT acknowledges that they do not have any right, title, or interest in, or for the materials of any legal basis, and that the user does not grant the CLIENT any type of authorization (other than that allowed by this contract) nor assignment, nor a waiver of them by DataKubes LLC . or whoever it designates.
DataKubes LLC. or its designee grants you the limited right to display the material on your personal computer and copy and download the materials that appear on this site, provided that: (1) The copyright notice of DataKubes LLC . (listed below) appears in the sample materials, copied or downloaded; (2) Screen, copy, or download is solely for your personal and/or internal non-commercial use. The CUSTOMER acknowledges and accepts that he has no right to modify, edit, alter or improve any of the materials in any way. This license will terminate automatically, without prior notice, in the event of the unfulfillment of any of these terms and conditions. DataKubes LLC ., May remove your advertisement from this Site and/or the Services with or without cause. In the event of termination of this limited license, the CUSTOMER agrees to immediately destroy any printed or electronic material and stop using the Site and/or the Services.
Taking any action to circumvent or attempt to circumvent the security and control access provisions of the Site and the Services is prohibited. Such prohibited conduct includes, without limitation:
Any effort to issue an account registration with a password not assigned to you.
Access personal information not intended for you.
Testing of security measures on the site and or trying to identify system vulnerabilities.
Impersonate any other user of the site and/or services, or falsify any information header in any advertisement or manipulate the TCP / IP header of packets.
Modify, reverse engineer, disassemble, or allow others to attempt to discover the computer code on the site and/or the Services.
Deactivate the Site or the Services or interfere with the access and use of the Site and/or the Services by any other user.
Yes DataKubes LLC or whoever it designates, is aware of any of the activities mentioned above, may investigate and respond to any case, and work with the police authorities to investigate and prosecute the offenders. The continuous use of the site and the services is expressly conditioned to the observance of the previous prohibitions and with the obligations and restrictions. Without limiting the generality of the previous, you acknowledge that DataKubes LLC. or whoever it designates, expressly prohibits the following, and the CLIENT accepts it:
- Place false, inaccurate or misleading information on third-party content.
- Use the services and / or the site to violate any applicable law or regulation, including, without limitation, the violation of copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights of third parties, or violate the privacy or rights of advertising from anyone else.
- Post any third party content that is abusive, defamatory, discriminatory, hateful, obscene, vulgar, sexually oriented, threatening, or in any other way.
- Harass, harass, or otherwise subject any other user of the site and / or services that are unwanted and / or inappropriate contact.
- Sending unsolicited mail or email, making unsolicited phone calls or sending unsolicited faxes and / or advertising of any product or service either directly on the site or in the services, or by making unsolicited contact with any user to via email, telephone, postal mail, or any other method of communication.
- Make changes, additions, and deletions to any of the third-party content published by any user without the express written authorization of another user.
- Take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the site's infrastructure.
- Include misleading, irrelevant, and/or hidden words in any third-party content by you.
- Table or link to the web, any content or information available on the site unless DataKubes LLC. expressly authorizes that link and/or frames.
- Intentionally expose the site and/or service to any computer virus or any other program or code that interrupts or disables the site and/or service operations.
- Use robots, spiders, or another program or device to retrieve or index any part of the site,
- Collect information about other users with purposes other than the use of the site and/or services as expressly permitted herein.
In addition to the above, if you are a developer who makes third-party software available to users through the Site, the CUSTOMER acknowledges that DataKubes LLC. expressly prohibits and agrees to:
Post Third Party Software or Third Party Content in inappropriate categories or areas on the site.
Publish or make available to users through the Site any Third Party Software or Third Party Content that does not benefit users of DataKubes LLC., products or services or Third Party Software or Third Party Content that is competitive with, or otherwise benefits from competitors, DataKubes LLC. products and services;
Use the site if they are unable to form legally binding contracts, with minors under 18 years of age, or are temporarily or permanently suspended from using the DataKubes LLC site;
May not deliver third party software or Third Party Content purchased or otherwise acquired from THE CUSTOMER , unless the acquirer does not comply with the written terms;
Bypass or manipulate the billing process established by DataKubes LLC. to facilitate the processing of orders on their behalf, or use the software to circumvent or violate in compliance with tax, national, local, or applicable laws ;
Transfer or allow others to use your developer account and user ID without the prior written consent of DataKubes LLC . or whoever it designates;
Execute any act prohibited by current law or this contract.
The above list of prohibitions is illustrative and is not intended to be exhaustive or exclusive.
DataKubes LLC . reserves the right to terminate the relationship with the client under these terms and prohibiting the DATAKUBES Site, to remove any third party software or remove, edit or close any third party content, including, without limitation, any action that DataKubes LLC . or whoever it designates, in its sole discretion, determines that it is inappropriate or harmful for the DATAKUBES Site, the Services or for any user.
FOURTH: Registration and protection of access passwords
Before accessing certain services on the Site, DataKubes LLC makes it necessary to configure a username and password as established in the procedures for registering for the account on the Site. The CUSTOMER agrees to comply with the procedures specified by DataKubes LLC. from time to time regarding the obtaining and updating of site passwords and services.
The CLIENT undertakes to assume the exclusive responsibility for the security of the passwords issued in his name. Passwords are subject to cancellation or suspension by DataKubes LLC. or whoever it designates, at any time, including any deviation of the account or breach of these Terms. The CLIENT undertakes to guarantee that it will use its best efforts to prevent any third party from obtaining its password. The CLIENT must immediately inform DataKubes LLC in writing, or whoever it designates of any actual or potential unauthorized access to a password or the Site and/or services.
FIFTH: Operations with developers
DataKubes LLC . or whoever it designates, operates online marketplaces on some of its sites that allow developers to make third-party software available to users through the Site. The third-party software available on these sites is, in each case, the intellectual property of the respective developers and may be the subject of license agreements, terms of use, and/or privacy policies of such developers. In addition to the above, the CUSTOMER acknowledges and accepts that DataKubes LLC . or whoever it designates, is not one of the parties, nor are they involved in the real transaction between the promoter and the users in the acquisition of third-party software provided by these developers. DataKubes LLC . or whoever it designates, does not control the operation and does not guarantee the quality, precision, legality or security of third-party software, nor does it offer any guarantee with DataKubes LLC . or whoever it designates, the ability of developers to provide third-party software or the ability of buyers to pay for them. All transactions will be governed by the conditions of sale executed by and between the developer and the acquirer. DataKubes LLC . or whoever it designates disclaims all warranties with respect to third-party software, including all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.
Untitled document
39 readability score
Talsy Vega
SIXTH: Third Party Content and Ads
"Third Party Content" means, collectively: (1) Content and information licensed from DATAKUBES a service of DataKubes LLC. or whoever it designates, to third parties for their display on the DATAKUBES Sites; and (2) The content, information, and material posted on the site by third-party users of the site. The third-party content available on these sites is, in each case, the intellectual property of the respective third-party users of the web. The CLIENT acknowledges that he is responsible for the content of third parties and personal (or his company) that the CLIENT publishes on the site and that the CLIENT will be solely responsible for the content of third parties that it publishes, including its legality, reliability, suitability, originality, and copyright. By posting any third party or personal content to the site that contains images, photographs, drawings or that in another graphic way in whole or in part ("Images"), the CLIENT declares and guarantees that:
a) The CLIENT is the owner of the rights of the images in mention, or that the owner of the rights of such Images has granted permission to use such Images or any content and/or images contained in said images consistent with the form and purpose of its use and as allowed by these conditions;
b) It has the necessary rights to grant the licenses and sublicenses described in these conditions, and;
c) That each person who appears in the mentioned images, where appropriate, has given their consent for the use of the Images as established in these Conditions, including, by way of example, and not as a limitation, distribution, display public and reproduction of such Images. No compensation will be paid concerning the use of your images;
d) The CLIENT is obliged to abide by the data laws in force, nationally and / or internationally, whichever is applicable, and will be directly responsible for this violation. DATAKUBES , its staff, directors, is not responsible, nor will it pay, any compensation concerning the use of its images or others managed by the CLIENT for any violation of law executed by the client.
SEVENTH: Links to Third Party Sites
This site may provide links to other Web sites or resources on which DATAKUBES a Service of DataKubes LLC . or whoever it designates, does not have control ("External Websites"). Such links do not constitute an endorsement of DATAKUBES or a Service of DataKubes LLC . or whoever it designates, of those external websites. The CLIENT acknowledges that DATAKUBES a Service of DataKubes LLC . or whoever it designates, provides these links only for your convenience, and also accepts that DATAKUBES a Service of DataKubes LLC . or whoever it designates, is not responsible for the content of such external websites. Your use of external websites is subject to the terms of use and privacy policies found on such external websites. The data handled by the CLIENT are the responsibility of the CLIENT .
Among those subscribed, namely: DataKubes LLC. Legal entity duly registered according to the laws of the Republic of Panama, with RUC 1525191-1-652392 DV: 95 and on the other hand the CLIENT of generals described in the applications and service registration via platform or in writing, they agree to enter into this contract subject to the following terms and conditions.
First: Between The Parties
DataKubes LLC. , and the CLIENT agree that the purpose of this contract is to provide the following service called DATAKUBES according to the clauses detailed below.
Second: Terms of Use
These terms of use do not limit, alter, or modify, nor do they imply a waiver of industrial property rights and copyright, and any other right that DataKubes LLC ., Has over the software and service called _DATAKUBES _.
THE CUSTOMER may have to use any version of DATAKUBES code authorized by DataKubes LLC ., With the limitations and conditions established in this term and conditions.
2.1. Terms and Conditions
Set forth below ("Conditions") govern the use of this site and platform on the World Wide Web ("Site") of DATAKUBES a service of DataKubes LLC , and the services available on this site ("Services") and are legally binding on you.
"If you do not agree with any of these conditions, you will not be able to access or use this site and/or the services or any information contained in the site. The use of this site and/or its services will be considered as your agreement to each of the following terms established below".
The CUSTOMER agrees that DataKubes LLC . or whomever it designates, can make changes to these terms at any time without prior notice or consultation. We will notify you of such revisions by posting an updated version of the terms on the site. The CUSTOMER is responsible for periodically reviewing these terms. Your continued use of the site and/or services will constitute your acceptance of such changes to the terms. Also, DataKubes LLC . or whomever it designates can make changes to the service at any time, or adjustments and other improvements to the product. Changes or updates may mean an increase in rates.
2.2. Activation of the Service
Except for the obligations that will arise from the acceptance of this contract specified in the following Clauses. The contract will enter effect when you meet with the following conditions: (1) The approval by DataKubes LLC . or whomever it designates from the request submitted by the CLIENT , and (2) The activation of the product/service DATAKUBES by the CLIENT .
2.3. Payments and service suspensions
The CLIENT hereby declares that he expressly accepts the monthly fee charged at the beginning of the commercial relationship. You will pay this monthly fee within the first five (5) days of each month, which is described in the accepted terms and conditions, and the application of the product DATAKUBES . The contract also describes the plan to which you subscribed.
2.3.1. Payment methods
The CUSTOMER also agrees to make the mentioned payments by credit card, VISA, or MASTERCARD, after approval of the request for the automatic discount of their credit card through the DATAKUBES platform. Furthermore, you can also make payment by direct bank transfer to the account of DataKubes LLC .
The CUSTOMER will pay a fee for each GB (Gigabyte) that he decides to use or contract. Once the payment per GB (Gigabyte) is made, it will be understood the acceptance of the agreement in all the terms set forth herein. The rate to be paid will be published on DATAKUBES - site, and a fiscal receipt will be issued for the payment. If the CUSTOMER later decides to obtain more GB (Gigabytes), the rate will increase, without prior notice, for each GB (Gigabyte) that he adds, without the need to sign or accept another agreement, understanding that each GB enters and is governed by this contract.
2.3.2. Refunds and partial payments
DataKubes LLC will not make any refund on the payment made on the users' amounts, nor services contracted for the use of DATAKUBES , nor will it make any refund if the client has previously signed and accepted the quote sent by DATAKUBES which is governed by these terms and conditions. The CLIENT understands that they must use the services within the stipulated time.
DataKubes LLC . or whomever it designates is not obliged to receive partial payments. Receipt of partial payments does not indicate interest in modifying the prices or terms of this agreement. These conditions constitute executive title and provide executive merit. The proofs of law required as proof of payments may be sent by email, and the shipment will constitute proof of required billing, and another required by law and evidence.
The rate to be paid may be increased according to the inflation index or CPI, annually. All notifications will be posted on the "site" or Software and/or any means of notification used will be valid.
2.3.3. Suspensions and Cancellations of the Service
The CUSTOMER also understands that upon incurring a payment delay for thirty (30) days, either due to a deactivated card or lack of funds, access to the system will be suspended, and if the delinquency amounts to three (3) ) months, the information contained in your DATAKUBES account will be deleted. If the CLIENT wishes to recover his account with the information, he must cancel the equivalent of the delinquent months and reactivation of his account.
And, the CLIENT irrevocably waives any claim, demand, administrative and/or judicial actions against DataKubes LLC. or whomever it designates, for the loss of information and the damages that this loss may cause, when said information has been erased or eliminated due to the late payment of the CLIENT as explained in the previous paragraph.
Note : Late payment or delay occurs when the client makes partial payments or lacks one (1) single payment at the term stipulated in this contract or on the DATAKUBES website.
THIRD: General use restrictions
Except for the Software DataKubes LLC ., Or the Software offered by the developers on the site, if applicable ("DATAKUBES"), the download of which is governed by the license agreement associated with said Software from third parties, and except for third party content, which third parties provide, all information, documents and services provided on this site, including trademarks, logos, graphics and images (collectively, the "Services") are provided to you by DataKubes LLC., or whoever it designates, except for what is expressly contemplated here.
The CLIENT acknowledges that they do not have any right, title, or interest in, or for the materials of any legal basis, and that the user does not grant the CLIENT any type of authorization (other than that allowed by this contract) nor assignment, nor a waiver of them by DataKubes LLC . or whoever it designates.
DataKubes LLC. or its designee grants you the limited right to display the material on your personal computer and copy and download the materials that appear on this site, provided that: (1) The copyright notice of DataKubes LLC . (Listed below) appears in the sample materials, copied, or downloaded; (2) Screen, copy, or download is solely for your personal and/or internal non-commercial use. The CUSTOMER acknowledges and accepts that he has no right to modify, edit, alter, or improve any of the materials in any way. This license will terminate automatically, without prior notice, in the event of the unfulfillment of any of these terms and conditions. DataKubes LLC ., May remove your advertisement from this Site and/or the Services with or without cause. In the event of termination of this limited license, the CUSTOMER agrees to immediately destroy any printed or electronic material and stop using the Site and/or the Services.
Taking any action to circumvent or attempt to circumvent the security and control access provisions of the Site and the Services is prohibited. Such prohibited conduct includes, without limitation:
Any effort to issue an account registration with a password not assigned to you.
Access personal information not intended for you.
Testing of security measures on the site and or trying to identify system vulnerabilities.
Impersonate any other user of the site and/or services or falsify any information header in any advertisement or manipulate the TCP / IP header of packets.
Modify, reverse engineer, disassemble, or allow others to attempt to discover the computer code on the site and/or the Services.
Deactivate the Site or the Services or interfere with the access and use of the Site and/or the Services by any other user.
Yes DataKubes LLC or whoever it designates, is aware of any of the activities mentioned above, may investigate, and respond to any case, and work with the police authorities to investigate and prosecute the offenders. The continuous use of the site and the services is expressly conditioned to the observance of the previous prohibitions and with the obligations and restrictions. Without limiting the generality of the previous, you acknowledge that DataKubes LLC. or whoever it designates, expressly prohibits the following, and the CLIENT accepts it:
- Place false, inaccurate, or misleading information on third-party content.
- Use the services and / or the site to violate any applicable law or regulation, including, without limitation, the violation of copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights of third parties, or violate the privacy or rights of advertising from anyone else.
- Post any third-party content that is abusive, defamatory, discriminatory, hateful, obscene, vulgar, sexually oriented, threatening, or in any other way.
- Harass, harass, or otherwise subject any other user of the site and / or services that are unwanted and / or inappropriate contact.
- Sending unsolicited mail or email, making unsolicited phone calls or sending unsolicited faxes and / or advertising of any product or service either directly on the site or in the services, or by making unsolicited contact with any user to via email, telephone, postal mail, or any other method of communication.
- Make changes, additions, and deletions to any of the third-party content published by any user without the express written authorization of another user.
- Take any action that imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on the site's infrastructure.
- Include misleading, irrelevant, and/or hidden words in any third-party content by you.
- Table or link to the web, any content or information available on the site unless DataKubes LLC. expressly authorizes that link and/or frames.
- Intentionally expose the site and/or service to any computer virus or any other program or code that interrupts or disables the site and/or service operations.
- Use robots, spiders, or another program or device to retrieve or index any part of the site,
- Collect information about other users with purposes other than the use of the site and/or services as expressly permitted herein.
In addition to the above, if you are a developer who makes third-party software available to users through the Site, the CUSTOMER acknowledges that DataKubes LLC. expressly prohibits and agrees to:
Post Third Party Software or Third-Party Content in inappropriate categories or areas on the site.
Publish or make available to users through the Site any Third-Party Software or Third-Party Content that does not benefit users of DataKubes LLC., products or services or Third-Party Software or Third Party Content that is competitive with, or otherwise benefits from competitors, DataKubes LLC. products and services;
Use the site if they are unable to form legally binding contracts, with minors under 18 years of age, or are temporarily or permanently suspended from using the DataKubes LLC site.
May not deliver third party software or Third-Party Content purchased or otherwise acquired from THE CUSTOMER unless the acquirer does not comply with the written terms.
Bypass or manipulate the billing process established by DataKubes LLC. to facilitate the processing of orders on their behalf or use the software to circumvent or violate in compliance with tax, national, local, or applicable laws.
Transfer or allow others to use your developer account and user ID without the prior written consent of DataKubes LLC . or whoever it designates.
Execute any act prohibited by current law or this contract.
The above list of prohibitions is illustrative and is not intended to be exhaustive or exclusive.
DataKubes LLC . reserves the right to terminate the relationship with the client under these terms and prohibiting the DATAKUBES Site, to remove any third-party software or remove, edit or close any third-party content, including, without limitation, any action that DataKubes LLC . or whoever it designates, in its sole discretion, determines that it is inappropriate or harmful for the DATAKUBES Site, the Services or for any user.
FOURTH: Registration and protection of access passwords
Before accessing certain services on the Site, DataKubes LLC makes it necessary to configure a username and password as established in the procedures for registering for the account on the Site. The CUSTOMER agrees to comply with the procedures specified by DataKubes LLC. from time to time regarding the obtaining and updating of site passwords and services.
The CLIENT undertakes to assume the exclusive responsibility for the security of the passwords issued in his name. Passwords are subject to cancellation or suspension by DataKubes LLC. or whoever it designates, at any time, including any deviation of the account or breach of these Terms. The CLIENT undertakes to guarantee that it will use its best efforts to prevent any third party from obtaining its password. The CLIENT must immediately inform DataKubes LLC in writing, or whoever it designates of any actual or potential unauthorized access to a password or the Site and/or services.
FIFTH: Operations with developers
DataKubes LLC . or whoever it designates, operates online marketplaces on some of its sites that allow developers to make third-party software available to users through the Site. The third-party software available on these sites is, in each case, the intellectual property of the respective developers and may be the subject of license agreements, terms of use, and/or privacy policies of such developers. In addition to the above, the CUSTOMER acknowledges and accepts that DataKubes LLC . or whoever it designates, is not one of the parties, nor are they involved in the real transaction between the promoter and the users in the acquisition of third-party software provided by these developers. DataKubes LLC . or whoever it designates, does not control the operation, and does not guarantee the quality, precision, legality, or security of third-party software, nor does it offer any guarantee with DataKubes LLC . or whoever it designates, the ability of developers to provide third-party software or the ability of buyers to pay for them. All transactions will be governed by the conditions of sale executed by and between the developer and the acquirer. DataKubes LLC . or whoever it designates disclaims all warranties with respect to third-party software, including all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.
Untitled document
39 readability score
Talsy Vega
SIXTH: Third Party Content and Ads
"Third Party Content" means, collectively: (1) Content and information licensed from DATAKUBES a service of DataKubes LLC. or whoever it designates, to third parties for their display on the DATAKUBES Sites; and (2) The content, information, and material posted on the site by third-party users of the site. The third-party content available on these sites is, in each case, the intellectual property of the respective third-party users of the web. The CLIENT acknowledges that he is responsible for the content of third parties and personal (or his company) that the CLIENT publishes on the site and that the CLIENT will be solely responsible for the content of third parties that it publishes, including its legality, reliability, suitability, originality, and copyright. By posting any third party or personal content to the site that contains images, photographs, drawings, or that in another graphic way in whole or in part ("Images"), the CLIENT declares and guarantees that:
a) The CLIENT is the owner of the rights of the images in mention, or that the owner of the rights of such Images has granted permission to use such Images or any content and/or images contained in said images consistent with the form and purpose of its use and as allowed by these conditions.
b) It has the necessary rights to grant the licenses and sub-licenses described in these conditions, and…
c) That each person who appears in the mentioned images, where appropriate, has given their consent for the use of the Images as established in these Conditions, including, by way of example, and not as a limitation, distribution, display public and reproduction of such Images. No compensation will be paid concerning the use of your images.
d) The CLIENT is obliged to abide by the data laws in force, nationally and / or internationally, whichever is applicable, and will be directly responsible for this violation. DATAKUBES , its staff, directors, is not responsible, nor will it pay, any compensation concerning the use of its images or others managed by the CLIENT for any violation of law executed by the client.
SEVENTH: Links to Third Party Sites
This site may provide links to other Web sites or resources on which DATAKUBES a Service of DataKubes LLC . or whoever it designates, does not have control ("External Websites"). Such links do not constitute an endorsement of DATAKUBES or a Service of DataKubes LLC . or whoever it designates, of those external websites. The CLIENT acknowledges that DATAKUBES a Service of DataKubes LLC . or whoever it designates, provides these links only for your convenience, and accepts that DATAKUBES a Service of DataKubes LLC . or whoever it designates, is not responsible for the content of such external websites. Your use of external websites is subject to the terms of use and privacy policies found on such external websites. The data handled by the CLIENT are the responsibility of the CLIENT .
EIGHTH: Trademarks and Copyrights
DataKubes LLC. Trademarks, service marks, brands, names, logos, and designs ("Marks"). and/or DATAKUBES or those used on this site and in the services are the property of DataKubes LLC ., or their respective owners. The CLIENT cannot delete or alter any registered trademark.
The CLIENT may not use any trademark displayed on the site or in the services without the express and written consent of DataKubes LLC . or whomever it designates, or its respective owner, and nothing contained in this site grants by implication, resignation, impediment or otherwise, any right to use said trademarks. All data and information that appears on this site and in the services, including but not limited to, the elements of text, design, images and icons, as well as the selection, assembly and arrangement thereof, are the exclusive property of KOMODIN , INC., Copyright © 2021, unless otherwise specified. All rights not expressly mentioned here are reserved. Except as required by applicable law, any reproduction, distribution, modification, transmission, or publication of any copyrighted material is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of the copyright owner.
NOVENO: Indemnización
El CLIENTE acepta defender, indemnizar y mantener indemne a DataKubes LLC., y sus filiales, representantes, socios, agentes y empleados de y contra cualquier y toda responsabilidad, reclamos, costos y gastos, incluyendo honorarios de abogados, que surjan de, o en conexión con su uso del sitio y/o los servicios, cualquier operación relacionada con la adquisición de software de terceros o Contenido de Terceros, o la violación de estos Términos.
DataKubes LLC . or whomever it designates, by itself and each of its license providers, makes no representations, warranties, or guarantees regarding the quality, suitability, veracity, accuracy, or integrity of any information or data and information contained in the site and/or the services, including without limitation data and information, third-party software, and all third-party content. Unless expressly otherwise, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the DATAKUBES Site and/or the services and any information or data and information contained in the site are provided to you ("as is" and "where they are”) Base and are for personal use or internal business use only. All conditions, representations, and warranties, express, implicit, legal, or otherwise, including any guarantee of commercial value, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of the rights of third parties, are excluded. DataKubes LLC . or whomever it designates, provides the services "AS IS," without any guarantee of any kind.
ELEVENTH: Limitation of Liability
Neither DataKubes LLC ., Nor its agents, licensees, affiliates, or providers of third-party software or third-party content will be liable to the CLIENT or any third party for any form of damages (including, without limitation, direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential), arising out of or related to the use or attempted use of the DATAKUBES Site or the services, including but not limited to, the results of the use of the DATAKUBES site and/or services, any operations related to the acquisition of third-party software or third-party content, external websites linked to this site, or the materials on the site, however, they arise, either by breach or tort, although DataKubes LLC . or whomever it designates, was informed of the possibility of such damages.
TWELFTH: Release
If the CUSTOMER has a dispute with one or more users or developers, he hereby releases DataKubes LLC. or whomever it designates (and its officers, directors, agents, subsidiaries, joint ventures and employees) of claims, demands, responsibilities and damages of any kind and nature, known and unknown, resulting from or in any way connected with such disputes.
THIRTEENTH: Assignments of Rights
The CLIENT accepts all the obligations contained in this contract will remain, as indicated in this document, in the event that DataKubes LLC. or whomever it designates, decides to change its company name, or that decide to merge with another company whether or not it is absorbed by that company, or whether it decides to assign, transfer or in any way alienate the service, brands owned by it to a third party. Therefore DataKubes LLC . or whomever it designates, under the new company name, either the company that remains or suggests after a merger, or the third party acquiring the rights of DataKubes LLC. , contained in this contract, will enjoy all the rights and obligations granted to you DataKubes LLC . or whomever it designates, in this document.
FOURTEENTH: General Provisions
DataKubes LLC. respects the intellectual property of third parties, and we ask that you do the same. If the CLIENT believes that her work has been copied on this site in a way that constitutes copyright infringement and appears on this page, they must provide the copyright agent of DataKubes LLC . or whomever it designates. With the following information:
- An electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.
- A description of the copyrighted work that the CLIENT claims have been infringed.
- A description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on the site.
- Your address, telephone number, and email address.
- A statement by you that the CUSTOMER has a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law, and…
- A statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the information in your notice is accurate and that CLIENT is the copyright owner or authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.
DataKubes LLC., is acting as copyright agent for DataKubes LLC . For notification of claims of copyright infringement on this site, you can access as follows:
By mail:
DataKubes LLC
Attention: Legal Department.
100 Southeast 2nd Street
Suite 2000, Miami, FL 33131
By email: info@datakubes.com
DataKubes LLC., controls and operates this site from its headquarters in Panama and does not guarantee that the Services or Materials are adequate or available for use in places other than Panama. Use this Site or the Services outside of Panama. The CLIENT will be responsible for compliance with applicable local laws, including but not limited to the export and import regulations of other countries concerning the materials, the third-party software, or third-party content. The CLIENT cannot assign, voluntarily, by operation of law, or otherwise, any right or delegate any right under these Terms without the prior written consent of DataKubes LLC. or whomever it is designated, and any attempt to do so without such permission will be void. These conditions will be binding and will redound to the benefit of THE PARTIES and their respective authorized successors and assignees. The laws of Panama shall govern these terms without considering the choice or conflicts with other laws of any jurisdiction. THE PARTIES agree that the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (1980) is specifically excluded from applying these Terms.
The CLIENT must submit all litigation, actions, claims, or causes of action related to these terms or in connection with this site only in federal and state courts located in Panama. Suppose any provision of these terms is in the hands of a court of competent jurisdiction deemed contrary to the law. In that case, such provision (s) will be interpreted to the extent possible to reflect the parties’ intentions, with all other remaining provisions. In its full vigor and effect. The failure of DataKubes LLC ., The company or its proxies, representatives, or assignees to enforce any right or provision of these conditions will not constitute a waiver of such right or provision unless recognized and accepted by DataKubes LLC . These Terms constitute the entire agreement between the CLIENT and DataKubes LLC. or whomever it designates. It supersedes all prior or contemporaneous negotiations, discussions, or agreements, if any, between them the parties regarding the matter contained therein except for the rights of DataKubes LLC . These terms can only be modified or supplemented only by signed writing done by the representative.
It is understood between THE PARTIES that during the duration of this contract, they may not contract personnel who work in any of the companies or affiliated companies of the other party, or owned by THE PARTIES , without prior consent and signed acceptance of the affected party.
SIXTEENTH: Term and termination of the Contract
The contract enters and is understood to be in force since the service and product DATAKUBES is accepted via the web. This contract may be terminated by:
- Unilateral decision of the company.
- Lack of payment by the client, for a month, or due to late payment.
- Any legal grounds for the termination of the contracts.
- For the breach of only one of the clauses of this contract.
- By agreement between THE PARTIES.
In the case of termination of the contract, DataKubes LLC in good faith, will send an e-mail requesting payment or indicating the termination (end) of the contract, which will serve as notification, later DataKubes LLC. , or whoever it designates, will be empowered to erase the data / information entered by the CLIENT in DATAKUBES .
DataKubes LLC . or whoever it designates, will not return any amount to the CLIENT at the time of termination of the contract; and to avoid incurring these additional charges, THE CLIENT agrees to notify DataKubes LLC . or whoever it designates with a prior period of thirty (30) days to the date of cancellation of this contract within their active billing period, to carry out the respective actions to end the service. The CUSTOMER must be up to date on their payments and request in writing the cancellation of the service to DataKubes LLC. or whoever it designates.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the breach or violation of one of the clauses of this contract will give rise to the recession of the contract by DataKubes LLC . The notifications the company can make them in their entirety via email, and this is accepted by the CLIENT .
This contract provides executive merit to settle any conflict. As of the date of acceptance either by physical signature or registration through the DataKubes LLC. site
Updated 6 days ago